Monday, September 6, 2010

Obey The Parking Signs!

If you park Illegally it will cost you your licence plate!

Here in San Miguel if you park your car in a No park zone, double park, or park in unauthorized spaces, such as handicapped or motorcycle only spaces, not only will you receive a ticket but they will take you license plate! Scott and I were out in town the one day sitting on a park bench and witnessed this first hand. The police officer was somewhat patient with this truck parked in a N0 park zone. He waited for about five minutes before he began to undo the license plate. It took him awhile to get it off. When your plate gets taken, you must go to City Hall and pick it up. It doesn't actually cost that much to get it, about $10.00 Us dollars, but it is a huge hassle and may take a couple hours to get it back. People take chances all the time here in the city and pay no attention to the signs. We try our hardest to obey the signs and park in the proper places, but just in case if anyone has any extra Ohio plates laying around you could ship them to us...just kidding!!!

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